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Homestead High School

Preparing today's learners for tomorrow's opportunities

Welcome to English 10 Summer Reading 2023

 Step 1:

Choose a book from the titles offered. Peruse the list and select a book you wish to read.

*Mature Content Statement:
Please talk with your child about what he or she plans to read. We are sensitive to appropriate reading material, but also recognize that what is appropriate varies widely by family. Most are concerned only that their children be able to find something motivating to read and have no restrictions on what they allow. Others have objections to the horror genre, for instance.
We ask that if you have concerns about what your child reads, please stay aware of his or her summer reading book and assist in gauging the content and maturity level you would like to maintain with your child. While all the books on the list are deemed to have strong literary merit and are valuable additions to Homestead’s curriculum, books that include content that some may find sensitive to young adults are marked as mature content. Your child may switch books at any time if he or she becomes uncomfortable with the material.

Step 2: During Reading Assignment

 In English 10, we will be exploring the literary archetype tragic hero. In preparation for books we read in English 10A, as you read, track examples and annotate (circle, underline, star, make margin notes) the development of a character(s) who seems to bring about his or her own downfall/troubles by the choices and mistakes he or she makes in the book.

What is a “tragic hero”?

A tragic hero is a person, usually seen as important or special in society, with heroic or potentially heroic qualities. Typically a supernatural force condemns the hero to suffer great hardship. The hero struggles admirably against this unfortunate situation, but fails because of a tragic flaw or mistake. This flaw in his or her personality is ultimately the cause of his or her problems or downfall.

Example from Literary Devices: Romeo in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

"Romeo is also a very good example of a tragic hero. He is a man of high social standing, who falls in love easily with a girl whose family holds animosity towards his own family. Romeo’s tragic flaw is that he starts believing in his fate immediately. Juliet acts like a dead person, and Romeo thinks she is actually dead. Therefore, he kills himself. When she wakes up and sees him dead, she also kills herself. Thus, it is not only fate, but also his actions and choices that bring his downfall and death."

Step 3: After Reading Assignment:

At the end of the book, either on a sticky note, piece of paper, or book page explain how the author develops a character as a tragic hero in the book. These are questions to consider:

  • How does the author develop characterization of the character's flaws?
  • What is the character’s downfall or main problem?
  • How does the character play a role in their own troubles or downfall?
  • What can the audience learn from the character's mistake? 

You will use these notes and reflections toward an in-class essay upon returning to school in English 10A. 


Please contact Mrs. Vickrey at  if you have any questions.