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Homestead High School

Preparing today's learners for tomorrow's opportunities

Please visit our student created DECA page: 

DECA (An Association of Marketing Students)


  • DECA, An Association of Marketing Students, has been leading talented young people just like you towards real careers and lifetime skills. Our competitive event program amplifies what you learn in the classroom and even includes the Virtual Business Challenge, a business simulation, and the 7-up Challenge Web Design event.
  • Are you interested in sport marketing, the travel or hospitality business, a retail career in advertising, or the restaurant trade? Activities and skills in these and many other marketing specialty areas are available to you in DECA and along the way; you will make friendships that last forever.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Open to all Homestead High School students interested in business and marketing

Time Commitment:

  • It is up to the students as to how much time they choose to commit to DECA

Procedures for Joining:

  • Students sign up in the fall by contacting Mr. McNeal in room 523 or Mr Sherrill in room 521, before November 1st. "The earlier the better!!"

Activity Time Period:

  • We encourage all students who are interested to meet with Mr McNeal or Mr. Sherrill asap to find out what they can do to get started early.  However,  the official registered start dates and competitions :

November 15th through April 30th

"What you put in is what you get out of it"

Membership Limit:

  • Unlimited; it is preferred that students are enrolled in at least one business course.
