Posted Date: 04/15/2024
Homestead High School is pleased to announce that art teacher Sam Welch has been selected as our 2024 Teacher of the Year.
Mr. Welch is a teacher who “digs in with students” and meets them where they are at, letting them know that they are capable of great things. Whether they are answering his thought provoking questions, adding to their skill set by evaluating the work of other artists, meeting with Mr. Welch to receive feedback during individual conferences, or focused on the art they are creating, Mr. Welch’s students are aways actively engaged in their learning.
His students will tell you that Mr. Welch believes in them and provides them with the kind of positive support and artistic guidance that helps them to achieve beyond what they often think is possible.
Mr. Welch is also a great role model for students who hope to be part of the artisan community. He practices his craft outside of school and sells his ceramic pieces throughout the state, providing an example of the success and personal fulfillment that can come from taking on challenges and being dedicated to what you love doing.
Mr. Welch’s expertise, compassion, positivity, and demeanor make him an outstanding selection to serve as Homestead’s 2024 Teacher of the Year - representing all the amazing educators on our faculty and the work they do to provide students with an exceptional high school experience.