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Homestead Interact Club Creates Ribbons for Cancer Survivors

Posted Date: 03/26/2024

Homestead Interact Club Creates Ribbons for Cancer Survivors

Homestead’s Interact Club has been creating ribbons in an effort supporting cancer survivors in Allen County.

Interact Club is a Rotary-based community service club. Focusing on the Rotary notion of Service Above Self, the club completes many community service projects throughout the year, providing assistance at Homestead and to people and organizations in need locally, nationally, and internationally. 

Here is just a small sample of the work this group has done for the school, local, and global community:

- Host a face painting booth at all home football games to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters 
- Cleaned the storm drains downtown, to help keep the rivers clean
- Helped set up the gym for the gymnastics team competition season
- Made recognition crafts for SACS bus drivers
- Ran a Penny Wars campaign at HHS to benefit No Kid Hungry
- Made Easter baskets for Lexi's Voice to benefit children with trauma histories
- Participated in Bowl for Kids Sake to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Took part in a Pickleball tournament to benefit LLS