Homestead Junior Selected for Girls State

Congratulations to Domenica Casini who has been chosen by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 241 to serve as a delegate to Hoosier Girls State, a week-long program designed to educate Indiana's young women in the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of good citizenship.
Juniors are selected based on their interest in government and current events, a demonstrated high moral character and strong leadership abilities, an above average scholastic standing and a desire to learn about politics and the relationship between local and state communities and the government.
Activities include workshops, legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating, and voting. Representatives receive instruction in Parliamentary Procedure. This "hands on" method is unique and extremely effective. Girls State affords participants an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens, to be informed about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship, and to gain the knowledge and skills that will encourage their participation in the democratic process in the future.