Homestead Spartan Earns Perfect ACT Composite Score

Congratulations to Homestead Spartan Sai Boda, who earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36 on the ACT exam.
Less than one quarter of 1% of the 1.34 million students who took the ACT earned this top composite score!
The ACT exam is used by many colleges as an admission qualifier. The test consists of English, mathematics, reading, and science, each scored on a scale of 1 to 36. A student’s composite score is the average of the four test scores.
“Earning a top score on the ACT is a remarakble acheivement,” said ACT CEO Janet Godwin. “A student’s exceptional score of 36 will proivde any college or university with ample evidence of their readiness for the academic rigors that lie ahead.”
Well done, Sai! This is an incredible achievement that is the result of your hard work and your dedication to acquiring knowledge at the highest levels.